Body Scan Meditation

Body scanning, often known as “sweeping the body,” is a foundational mindfulness meditation method. The body scan’s goal is to pinpoint every part of your body. from head to toe, and discover how each component feels. Here’s the catch: you notice how it feels, but you don’t do anything about it, even if it’s uncomfortable. There will be no wriggling, itchiness, or judgement.

The practice of a Body Scan Meditation is typically done lying down in a comfortable position. It consists of the meditator mindfully and gradually moving her awareness through each part of the body. While this practice is known to be deeply relaxing (and even a great technique to alleviate insomnia), the deep mind-body connection developed is also a major supporter of the mind-body awareness needed in moving meditations such as yoga and mindful walking.

How to implement Body Scan Meditation

First day you focused your awareness on the breath. You counted the breaths, but you also became aware of the many subtle experiences in the body as a result of the breath. This physical awareness will be exercised and strengthened today by systematically moving it through out diferent parts of the body, by “sweeping.” or “scanning” the body.

Next day You practiced holding an open awareness of your inter nal and external environment, after that you practiced emotional awareness. You will be using both those skills today in your Body Scan Meditation. As with any meditation technique, you will be practicing the skill of unattached observation and mental noting. Notice the thoughts that arise, continue breathing, notice any sensory input from the body, and after a moment, gently guide your awareness to the next body part. In Body Scan Meditation, the body parts you focus on become the objects of meditation; they become what you return your awareness to when your mind inevitably wanders. Sometimes physical strain is inflicted on certain parts of the body as a result of poor posture or unhealthy habits. Habitual unhealthy eating causes stress on the heart and digestive system, and smoking causes stress on the lungs and the entire cardiovascular system. The practice of body scanning can help bring your awareness to physical stress and begin the process of self-analysis to alleviate it.

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