top 5 meditation poses that you need to know

Read: Guided Meditation and Benefits

Meditation is one of the top practices that people have used for many years. Meditation can help you think positively and send positive vibes. Most western cultures use this technique to get good health benefits.

Did you know meditation poses are very important for meditation? In this post, we will explore five meditation poses that will help you meditate.

Here are five important meditation poses explained below:

Meditation pose

1. The Quarter Lotus: Sit on your meditation seat with your legs loosely crossed and both feet resting below the opposing thigh or knee. This strategy is recommended by me.

Meditation picture

2. The Half Lotus: This is a variant on the previous sentence. Your legs are crossed, with one foot on the opposite thigh. The other foot can tuck below the upper leg and rest below the knee or thigh.

Meditation picture

3. The Full Lotus: In Padmasana (Lotus Pose), your legs are crossed and both feet are lying on top of your opposite thighs.

4. The Burmese Position: It’s okay if you can’t sit with your legs crossed. Simply sit in this comfortable pose, known as Sukhasana (Easy Pose), with both feet on the floor.


5. Chair: Finally, if necessary, you may use a chair. There’s no shame in it. Just keep your back to the chair and your feet firmly on the floor, aligned with your hips and knees.

Conclusion: Quarter Lotus, Half Lotus, Full Lotus, Burmese Position, and meditating on a chair can help you get more energetic. These are simple methods that are explained here. So, practice meditation and follow these methods on a regular basis to get more benefits. The morning is more beneficial for meditation. If you able to wake up early, then you can practice it early in the morning.

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