Unknown Facts about Human Brain

Read: Tips for Better Sleep

Human brain is the most important factor that helps to do work properly. In this post we will discuss some unknown facts about human brain.

Forebrain – This is the most highly developed section of the brain. It contains the cerebrum and other structures. When people look at pictures of the brain, the first thing they usually see is the cerebrum which is located at the top of the brain where most of a person’s intellectual activities come from. It houses your memories, makes you capable of planning, imagining and thinking. It is the part that assists you in recognizing your friends and family, enjoying a movieand playing solitaire.

Midbrain – This is located in the topmost part of the brainstem and controls our eye movements and other voluntary movements. If you recallour film clip, when the pilot kept blinking his eyes to look out in the dark skies and adjusting his glasses, his midbrain was called to task.

Hindbrain – You will find the hindbrain right above your spinal cord. This is where the cerebellum is located. It resembles a wrinkled ball of tissue. It is the hindbrain that directs the body’s respiratory and heart rates. It coordinates bodily reflexes and is also responsible for movements you make automatically or by rote. For example, when you play the violin or run a marathon, the cerebellum located in the hindbrain goes to work.

Looking deeper into the brain, we now focus on the cerebrum which hastwo hemispheres. As we said earlier, the cerebrum is located in the forebrain. These hemispheres are separated by a deep dividing line; this division does notprevent the two hemispheres from sending messages to and from each other. They look similar in appearance but differ in their functions.

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